27 July 2007

Thoughts On Becoming A Thoroughbred

A person's honesty will usually show up in their face. Especially obvious after decades of living "just a little too close to the edge," I think it amazing how clearly will be written the roadmap of where a person has been... and usually, their faces will show the dark places they might try to go with you.

The other day I met to discuss cable broadcasting and broadcast software with a group of five professionals at BYU-B, or Brigham Young University Broadcasting. Gathered around the table, they each radiated a light and a glow so obvious I just had to ask each their backgrounds. I felt recharged, invigorated, and proud to be associated with them-- and hoped I radiated back such a light, too.

While I'm aware (oh, so aware!) that life will dent you, ding you, toss you around and scrape off layers of proud, personal paint, one can still strive to live with integrity and honor. All of us are obligated to keep striving to root out the darkness that troubles our souls, and in my case I just hope it won't leave a mark.

I'm reminded of something I heard long ago:

You're born into the world all naked and bare,
Spend your years with worry and care,
And leave this place you know not where,
But if you're a thoroughbred here, you'll be a thoroughbred there.


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