05 April 2007

Keith Junior Richan (1922-2007)

My first cousin once removed and a great and kindly man, Keith Junior Richan (shown at right), died suddenly at home on Sunday 01 April 2007 in American Fork, Utah. He was 85.

Keith was important to me because he was an honorable man. Whilst my own efforts at walking uprightly fall laughably short, Keith was what I want to be.

For example, once I planned to rent a home from an old gentleman who mercilessly thrust document after document at me-- credit checks, background history, employment and wage statements, etc. etc. You know the type: ready to put a lien on your firstborn.

The man stopped cold when he saw my family name, Richan. "Any relation to Keith?" the old curmudgeon snarled.

"Yes, he's my cousin," I said tentatively.

"Then we don't need these," he said, and grabbed the papers back. "He and I went to school together," he said. "Anyone who knows Keith is alright in my book." And truly, that was a frequent experience.

Keith ran for public office back in the 1980s, and won handily the title of Utah County Commissioner. It seemed that everyone who knew Keith had a bold statement to make about how Keith had helped someone, or gone the extra mile, or had done something remarkable.

When you shook hands with Keith, he didn't keep you at arm's length-- he pulled you in. "What can I do for you?" he'd ask at first. As you tried waving him off, he'd insist, "No, really-- what can I do for you?"

That's the kind of man I want to be. I'll miss you, Keith. Nothing 'junior' about you at all.

Oh, and in that photo-- his name tag reads, "Yippee!"
